rick filosofeert

elitair, elegant, arrogant, sinds 14 mei 1977

Yanks conquer the Jordaan


One Al from New York landed here.
On one of the first days with a bit of sun.
He found it freezing cold though.

His team had become world champions last year. Again.
And while we might think that meant Barcelona.
It was not. It were the those Yankees again.
But he might have seen NY beating Pele's old team in a

We went to the Jordaan.
Invited to the opening of a new tradional café
An Oxymoron that might be.
Al was a hit in the
Bierbron, as one might see.

The evening was long.
Eating Pizza, watching Roma-Milan,
Defending the simpleness of American Burgers.
Against Dutch
Gourmets Ones
And dancing in the
To the tone of Secret Cinema

And the he left us for some Goulash.
Onwards towards a year,
Where his Yankees would lose the
subway series.